The pure soul (2024)
In the heartland of India, nestled amidst the verdant landscapes of Madhya Pradesh, lies a quaint village that is home to a young girl named Amla. At the tender age of 13, Amla’s life is far from ordinary. Born into a family where every day is a struggle for survival, where the specter of poverty looms large, Amla’s existence is a testament to resilience.
Despite the harsh realities that surround her, Amla harbors a dream that is as vast as the sky - a dream of education. She yearns to break free from the shackles of her circumstances, to step into the hallowed halls of a school, and to immerse herself in the world of knowledge. Her spirit remains unbroken, her resolve unshaken.
However, one fateful day, her world is shattered. A stranger, exploiting her innocence, commits an unspeakable act of violation, leaving her pregnant. This horrifying event plunges Amla and her family into a whirlpool of danger, casting a dark shadow over their lives.
From this point, a battle for survival begins. It’s a fight not just against the societal stigma and the physical and emotional trauma, but also a fight to keep the flame of hope alive. Amidst the turmoil, a question hangs in the balance - will Amla’s dreams withstand the storm, or will she succumb to the tragic circumstances of life, retreating into the shadows like a wilted flower?
The tale of Amla is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. It’s a story of dreams, despair, and the undying hope that dwells within us all. It’s a story that asks us to reflect on the society we live in, and the changes we need to bring about to ensure that every Amla gets the chance to realize her dreams. It’s a story that reminds us of the power of hope, and the strength that lies in never giving up.
Zindagi Ek Kashmakash
"Life, a Dilemma" (2023)
"Zindagi Ek Kashmakash" is a heart-wrenching story of a single mother, Rani, who has been abandoned by his boyfriend. Rani makes a living as a prostitute to support her only son, Ajay. Despite the harsh reality of her life, Rani is determined to provide a better future for Ajay.As Ajay grows older, he begins to worry that something is not quite right with his mother's job. He sets out on a mission to pull out his mother from this job."Zindagi Ek Kashmakash" is a powerful portrayal of the sacrifices that parents make for their children and the love that binds families together, even in the most challenging of circumstances. It highlights the struggles of single mothers and the harsh realities of life that force people into difficult situations. The film is a tribute to the human spirit and the power of love to overcome even the toughest of obstacles.
Awards and Appreciation
Best Short Film Critics Choice Award at Triloka International Filmfare Awards (Sept-Oct 2023).​
Best Female Director Award at Triloka International Filmfare Awards (Sept-Oct 2023).​
Best Cinematography Award from Triloka International Filmfare Awards (Special Jury Award) 2023
Best Cinematography Award from Cinematography & Photography Awards, Film Festival, United Kingdom 2023
Best Project at Cinematography & Photography Awards, Film Festival, United Kingdom (2023).
Best Hindi Short Film at Indian International Short Film Festival 4th Season Awards 2024
Best Short Film at 14th Pune Short Film Festival 2024
Official Selection at Triloka International Filmfare Awards (Sept-Oct 2023).
Official Selection at GOA Short Film Festival, 2023
Official Selection at 4th Indian International Short Film Festival Awards
Official Selection at New York Istanbul Short Film Festival, New York 2023
Official Selection at at Indian International Short Film Festival 2024
Official Selection at Cinematography & Photography Awards, Film Festival, United Kingdom 2023
Official Selection at 4th Kerala Short Film Festival 2024
Official Selection at 14th Pune Short Film Festival 2024
Official Selection at The King Review Film Festival 2024
Official Selection at Royal India Short Film Festival 2024
HIJR-The Separation (2020)
"Hijr - The Separation" is a poignant 40-minute fiction short film that draws inspiration from real events along the India-Pakistan Line of Control. The film tells the story of Nazir, a middle-aged teacher living in a village near the border with his children and stepmother, as he grapples with the pain of separation from his wife, Gulshan. When cross-border firing intensifies, Nazir's already fractured family faces further emotional distress. His son Haseeb blames Nazir for the separation, and tensions escalate when Nazir's stepmother comes to live with them after his father's death. As the family struggles to adjust, Gulshan leaves for her maternal village, only to find it deserted due to the conflict. The film explores themes of separation, love, and loss as Nazir searches for his wife, hoping for an end to the war and a return to peace.
Awrads and Apprication
Best Indian Feature Award 2020 June Edition at Crown Wood International Film Festival
Best Cinematography Award from Picasso Einstein Buddha International Film Festival
Best Indian Feature Award at Crown Wood International Film Festival
Official Selection at 9th Kolkata Shorts International Film Festival 2020
Official Selection at Golden Bridges Istanbul Short Film Festival 2020
Official Selection at Indo American International Festival of World Cinema 2020
Official Selection at Anatolia International Film Festival, Turkey 2020
Official Selection at Crown Wood International Film Festival, 2020
Official Selection at Picasso Einstein Buddha International Film Festival, 2020