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Our Story

At KCine Studio, we're not just a film and TV production studio; we're visionaries, storytellers, and pioneers in visual communication. Since 2007, our journey began with 'Partav-The Influence,' a globally acclaimed film earning the Award of Excellence at the Canada International Film Fest 2013. Since then, our canvas has expanded with impactful projects such as 'Half Widow,' 'Gaash,' 'Kashmir Daily,' 'Trans Kashmir,' 'Hijr-The Separation,' 'The Hindu Boy,' 'Good Shot,' 'Zindagi Ek Kashmakash' and 'AMLA.' Each frame we craft, each story we tell, is a testament to our unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of cinematic excellence.

Meet The Team

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Mohammad Younis Zargar

Founder, Director & Cinematographer

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Dilnawaz Muntazir

Creative Director and Screenplay Writer

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Asma Chishti

Film and TV Producer


Isha Zargar




Line Producer

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Bashir Naaz

Film & Television Producer

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Kiran Johare

Film Producer

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Neha Sudha Vijay

Film Director and Script Writer

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Mushtaq Wani

Line Producer

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Nasir Rather

Production Coordinator

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